
Life without Coffee. All night waiting at the Trash Fence for Daft Punk, 2015.

You can give this burner a cup of coffee for just 74 cents a day!

Help Us On Playa

If you want do a shift at this coffee shop, we would love to have you. Sorry, no cashier positions!

Help Us Financially

It costs us approximately 75 cents per cup to make coffee. To make a gallon of coffee, we spend $2 on water, $4 on coffee beans, $2 on ice, $2 on milks, and $1 on propane. We are figuring 9 oz servings.

Making the coffee is a lot of work – that is our team’s gift. Get in on this project by partnering with us by helping buy the supplies! Every cent donated shows up in the cup in the form of consumable supplies.